Thursday, March 31, 2011

Earning your mommy juice

1.  I'm fairly certain I am, or at least should be, on the suspected meth makers/users list because of all the generic Sudafed I have bought this year to treat my unending sinus problems.  Seriously, is it really necessary to make me feel all super illegal methhead-ish by making me give you my license and electronically sign some statement promising I'll never ever make meth ever, or something like that (I wouldn't know because I've never read it - what do you think I am, a lawyer)?  Does this process actually prevent the determined methheads of the world, who don't really seem like the type of super honest people who would shrink from lying on an electronical form, from purchasing their ingredients?  And am I the only one who finds themselves exaggerating their very real sinus problems when purchasing their "Walphed" simply because they don't want to be mistaken for a methhead or methhead enabler?

Anyway, I had a sinus/ear infection in February, so I took antibiotics for about 12 days, which apparently only ticked off my sinuses, because they are taking revenge big time.  While I have no real snot (just clear liquid leaking - aren't you glad I shared that?) for the first time in months, my face feels like it may explode, and as along as it takes my constantly aching right temple with it, I won't miss it.  Just for fun, my chest now hurts when I take even a semi-deep breath.  Plus, I've been so lethargic that I haven't been able to get in a decent workout for the last week or so and have been stuffing my face instead.   

Just in case you're wondering, I'm finally going to the doctor (getting on the scale, yay!) tomorrow.

2.  [Note: This happened last week, but because I have an unhealthy habit of mulling over unpleasant things that happen to me until its too late and I have no one to take it out on except my husband, I'm just sharing it now.]

Last week after the pediatrician diagnosed Bailey's ear infection and a half, we went to the Walgreens drive through (thru?  I don't even know, and I don't have the energy to look it up, blame the sinuses) to get her prescription filled.  The seemingly non-sadistic lady at the window knew the prescription was for antibiotics and knew it was for an individual born on 10/1/10, as I told her both of these things.  Presumably, she could also see the car seat right in front of her which held a very pathetic-looking sick baby.  So, when she asked me when I wanted to pick the prescription up and I said "as soon as possible" and she told me 45 minutes, I gritted my teeth, gave her the benefit of the doubt, and drove around town for 45 minutes wasting expensive gas and trying to calm a halfway sleeping Bailey down every time we drove over potholes and/or speed bumps (which happens a lot in Memphis) because they made her ear hurt worse and she would cry. 

Well, my patience began to crumble slightly when we promptly returned to Walgreens 45 minutes later, only to sit in the drive through for approximately 11 minutes and 37 seconds before anyone even acknowledged us (even though I could SEE a pharmacist in the window who politely ignored me while I used all of my strength to refrain from laying on the horn, NYC style, until someone brought my child her medicine).  When the lady who had previously told me it would take 45 minutes for them to prepare my prescription finally bothered to show her face at the window, she then proceeded to have the pharmacist make Bailey's prescription in 45 seconds.  Right in front of me.  Where I could see her.

Now, maybe they were busy, I get that, but why in the world was it so much better to make a poor sick baby wait almost an hour before preparing her prescription in 45 seconds?  Was this 45 seconds THAT much more convenient to them than the 45 seconds an hour ago?  

Who knows, maybe that lady was on crystal meth.  Lucky for Walgreens, I'll settle for wine. 

1 comment:

  1. Ewww.. such a pain in the arse. I hope that you two getting to feeling better.
