Saturday, August 13, 2011

Personal Request

This is hard to write.  But I need to write it, because my brother in law, my sister, and my nieces deserve it. 

My brother in law is being and/or has been deployed to Afghanistan today.  My sister and nieces are in California. Bailey, my mom, and I going to visit them the weekend of September 10th. 

Please, please, please, just say a prayer for them.  Think about them.  This is one of the hardest things any of us have ever experienced.  We all love this guy, and his little girls love him as much as I've ever seen anyone love anyone.  And they are old enough to understand, at least a little bit, what is going on. 

Please, please, please just send up some happy thoughts for this family.  I love them more than cake and I truly can't wait to see my girls in just a month.  

Sorry I'm a bad blogger, but this is important.  To ALL of us.  Maybe I'll blog more about it later, but I'm not going to lie, my blogging light has been off instead of on lately.  So, we'll see.  

But This. Is. Important.  

And Bill, if you ever read this, we love you.  And, we all sincerely thank you.