Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The first year

(Yep, this is two almost three months late.  We've had a helluva three months, and the next year or so is looking like more of the same.  Will update on that later.  Probably.)


You are one year old.  I cannot believe it.  This has been the most amazing year of my whole entire life.  I still remember the first time I saw you, when they laid you on my chest in the operating room.  To my surprise, I didn't see the baby I had pictured in my mind.  I saw you - a little mini-person, whose emotions, personality, and ideas were completely, and for the first time, separate from me.  I was so very much in love, and so very terrified. 

I'm not going to sugar coat it, B, those first few weeks were rough.  When we first got home, you wouldn't sleep for more than thirty minutes or so without being held, so your dad and I would trade off holding you on couch so that we could all get a few hours of sleep. 

I was bound and determined to nurse you, as I thought it was essential to have that close mother and baby bond, and nurse you did.  Almost all of the time.  For hours and hours.  Sometimes while screaming and red-faced, and even hitting me with your fist.  Baby, you just never got full.  We had numerous anxiety-ridden weight checks with your wonderful pediatrician, Dr. Geiger, and after two weeks you had still not gained nearly enough weight and your dad and I just couldn't torture you and ourselves anymore, so we started feeding you my milk out of a bottle.  You were STILL the most finicky milk drinker I've ever seen, taking an hour or more to finish a single bottle, always on your own time. 

Once you got a full belly, though, you were the happiest baby I'd ever seen.  Your smiles were random, but they lit up our world.  You were so content, and loved to sleep in your vibrating chair borrowed from your sweet cousin Preston.  You loved to lay on your play mat and would go to anyone who would take you.  You began to regularly sleep through the night for around 10 hours at about week 8, thrilling your parents. 

As you got older, your smiles became more frequent and your all-around happy disposition began to be obvious.  You loved your jumperoo and exersaucer, and you made both me and your dad feel like the best parents in the world every day, as you would light up with the biggest smile and jump up and down whenever one of us walked in the room, even if we had only been gone a second.  Even when you were tired or sick or had an ear infection (and you had TONS of ear infections), you were like a little pageant queen when you saw someone new - you would charm them in a second with a smile and giggle and they would never believe that anything was wrong with you.

Your teething and ear infections began at around 5 months, and so went the amazing sleep we had so come to rely on.  You would cry and cry when I tried to put you down to sleep after you'd woken up in the middle of the night and were obviously still super tired, so I would sleep with you on my chest when the pain wouldn't stop.  Oh, sweet girl, those were wonderful times.  We would cuddle up and sleep together and I loved every second (even if your dad was super paranoid and always thought I would roll over on you - thankfully that never happened, haha!).

You began to crawl and first pulled yourself up while we were at the beach, Pawleys Island, with your Mimi and Pops, Aunt Angie, Maddie, and Caroline, and the Greggs, our family friends.   While we had some wonderful times that week, and you LOVED the ocean and beach and were fearless with the waves, that was also a bit of a challenge, as you had a double ear infections that week which would just not be taken care of with antibiotics.  I will never forget the morning that your Mimi and I spent at the pediatrician's office at Pawleys singing to you to calm your obvious extreme pain while we waited for the doctor.  B, I'm so sorry that it took me so long to realize what was going on, but I'm so glad we were able to fix it by getting tubes put in your ears.

After you got tubes, however, you were, again, a different baby.  While you had some trouble coming out of the anesthesia, you just needed to take a nap and then it was happy Bailey - alllllll the time (except maybe for teething, but no one can blame you for that).

Although you STILL have a hard time and wake up when you're getting a tooth - and you got all 4 of your first year molars in the first month we were in Knoxville (which was also the time you had the grossest virus ever that shall not be named, as it made you scream for 5 days straight and also made your mother nearly lose the very little sanity she had), which was a little rough, and we're still trying to figure out how to fix your diaper issues, you are, by far, still the happiest and coolest baby I've ever known.  I know that sounds silly and cheesy, but it's the best way I know how to describe you.  You love people, dancing, and dogs, and you just have the best time and make the best of things, no matter where you are.  You're super cute, and you instinctively know how to entertain and make people smile and laugh, and you KNOW it.  You are not afraid to assert yourself when you need to, but you still want to please and get your feelings hurt somewhat easily, and you're pretty good at understanding us and trying to do what we ask.  I honestly don't know where your personality came from - you seem to have the best of both your dad and me, but at the same time you have awesome traits that we don't have, so you seem like the best of everyone on both sides of your family.  It is so fun to watch.

I love you, Bailey - but more importantly, I like you, and I will do whatever I can to be the best mom I can be.  I love to see you learn something new, which happens all the time, and I love the moments, which are becoming more and more frequent, when I look at you and know that we are connecting on a level that we've never connected on before, and we just sit and learn from each other.  We certainly have our moments - you're testing our limits, I'm not the most patient person ever, and sometimes I know you and I need more one on one moments of learning, because when you focus, you are amazingly smart.  There is no better way I can think of to spend my time than reading you books (your absolute favorite activity, bar none).  You have been through some major changes this year, and you've handled them like a champ.  I cannot tell you how special you are, or how much we love every day with you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a positive, fun, happy, and sassy little girl.  You are so much more fun and we love you so much more than anything I ever dreamed of, and I could not imagine being more bonded to anyone (except your dad, but we're all bonded together, so that is even more amazing).  So, sweet girl, thank you for being you.  You are amazing - and it just gets better every day.

Love you,
Your mama :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Personal Request

This is hard to write.  But I need to write it, because my brother in law, my sister, and my nieces deserve it. 

My brother in law is being and/or has been deployed to Afghanistan today.  My sister and nieces are in California. Bailey, my mom, and I going to visit them the weekend of September 10th. 

Please, please, please, just say a prayer for them.  Think about them.  This is one of the hardest things any of us have ever experienced.  We all love this guy, and his little girls love him as much as I've ever seen anyone love anyone.  And they are old enough to understand, at least a little bit, what is going on. 

Please, please, please just send up some happy thoughts for this family.  I love them more than cake and I truly can't wait to see my girls in just a month.  

Sorry I'm a bad blogger, but this is important.  To ALL of us.  Maybe I'll blog more about it later, but I'm not going to lie, my blogging light has been off instead of on lately.  So, we'll see.  

But This. Is. Important.  

And Bill, if you ever read this, we love you.  And, we all sincerely thank you. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God has a sense of humor

Just a couple days after this post (which was super whiny and pointless and not funny and I kind of wish I had never posted it but oh well) where I complained about my "fat pouch" and talked about how my body seemed to be like a kangaroo's in that it is keeping a pouch for Bailey to hop back into if she decides to, this book arrived in the mail for Bailey from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (which is super awesome and sends Bailey a new book every month):

Sorry the picture is blurry, but as you can see, that is a book about a kangaroo pouch.  In the story, a kangaroo mama has a baby who keeps exploring farther and farther away, then jumping back in mama's pouch when he gets scared until he finds a little buddy kangaroo and isn't scared anymore. 

I'm pretty sure there's a lesson in there for me somewhere....

Monday, July 25, 2011

The stages of pregnancy....

[EDITED TO ADD: Just so that there is no possibility of confusion, I'm NOT pregnant.  Not even a little bit.  Just thought it was fun to remember this, especially since I'm NOT pregnant.]

So I just read this post from a pregnant friend who has reached the inevitable "the end is in sight now I might freak out" stage of pregnancy. 

I loved her post and it reminded me of all the various stages of pregnancy.  The good thing about these stages is they kind of actually DO prepare you for being a parent, but only in that as soon as you get used to one stage and think you can maybe handle it, it all changes again.  Welcome to parenthood!

While I started to make this post an open letter to answer her questions, instead I got a wee bit carried away with writing about the stages of pregnancy so I'll do a post with the answering later (or, if not, I'll at least send you a fb message Lauren!)

So, here's my take on the stages of pregnancy....(yes, I realize I've only had one pregnancy and that pregnancy ended almost a year (A FREAKING YEAR!) ago, so some of this may be out of order, and I also know that I'm not an expert and that everyone goes through things in different order.):

1. Positive! The test was positive!  I'm pregnant - oh geez I  am so excited even though I have NO idea what to do.  All I DO know is that I just can't wait to have a cute little baby bump :):):).

2.  Ohhhhh man, why does everything STINK (if you walk in my office with a cup of coffee again, I'll cut you) and why do I feel so terrrrible ALL THE TIME?  Sleep....I just neeeed to sleeeeeeeeeeep......zzzzzzz

3.  Oh my gosh that is NOT a bump, my pants are just tight, I think the extra snacks are catching up with me?  I still feel terrible but now I also feel super fat and ALL I can think about is what is this baby what is this baby what is this baby? Girl....I think it's definitely girl.  No, I had a dream about a boy last night, so it's definitely a boy....only 61 days til we can find out!  Also, I'm sonauseousIcan'tbreathe uhhhh.

4.  FINALLY I feel somewhat human again....wait, there's some, it's ok, much better.  And, I have a baby BUMP!  Ok, maybe no one else can see it but me but THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT REAL.  Also, I'm starving and I need a snack. NOW!!!

5.  Did I just feel the baby move?  I swear I felt something...or was that gas?  Yep, it was gas......  Only 28 days and 5 hours until we can find out what this baby is!  I'm going to take another online quiz that will help me decide what I think it is....and check out that chinese gender calendar to see what it says.  Maybe I should by that intelligender thing?  I wonder if I know anyone in the medical field that could get me an early ultrasound.....

6. Ok, now I definitely feel something.  And the clerk at Target told "both of us" to have a good day!  That is total proof that MY LITTLE BABY BUMP IS SO CUTE!  But wait a second.....this shirt is feeling tighter on my arms....and my thighs seem to be expanding....that's not supposed to be happening. Oh well I JUST FELT THE BABY MOVE AGAIN!  And only 6 days and 2 hours until we found out what this sweet baby is!  YAY!

7. IT'S A BOY/GIRL!  I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!! SHOPPING - ALL I WANT TO DO IS SHOP!  Look at all these cute clothes!!!

8.  Man, is it hot in here, or is it just me?  And wow, this bump is . . . . . big.  And getting . . . . .bigger!  And these maternity clothes somehow seem to be getting . . . smaller?  Who cares - we must find nursery furniture!  And learn what the eff all that stuff is in babies r us so we can register before our shower! And paint the nursery (wait can I be around wet paint? I don't know let me google that real quick....)

9.  When did everything get SO dirty?  I MUST CLEAN IT ALL.  And OUCH, baby, that really hurt, please get away from my . . . whatever you just kicked.  And NO, baby, that did not mean to move to the bladder. Yep, now I have to go to the bathroom again . . . Also, can someone please turn up the A/C?  And get me a snack. 

10.  WHAT AN AWESOME SHOWER WE HAVE THE CUTEST STUFF EVER!  Our friends are amazing look at all these cute gifts and clothes and stuffed animals and the nursery looks so cute . . . but wait.  We need diapers.  And diaper rash stuff.  And some bottles just in case.  And ohmygosh we still need one of EVERYTHING in babies r us!  But my feet hurt, and I'm burning up, so let's make it quick....

11.  Ok, baby, that really HURTS, and oh, yep, that's my bladder again.  And why do I have random shooting pains in my groin area . . . THIS BUMP IS NO LONGER CUTE.  IT IS HUGE AND IT KEEPS GETTING BIGGER AND I CANNOT STAND UP WITHOUT MAKING OLD PEOPLE GRUNTING NOISES.  Only 35 days til the baby comes, yay!

12.  AHHHHH!!!!  OH MY GOSH ONLY 35 DAYS UNTIL THE BABY COMES. I mean, another person.  Is going to be here.  With us.  All. The. Time. And that means that first - THE BABY HAS TO COME OUT OF MY BODY.  Hopefully the normal way....wait, I don't know, that sounds like it hurts.  But a c-section doesn't really sound so awesome either.  And then when it someohow gets here the baby is going to have to survive and drink stuff . . . which means the baby is going to breastfeed because everyone knows that BREAST IS BEST.  That seems like it's going to feel . . . . funny.  I mean, won't that feel kind of weird?  No, of course not, it's natural and it's good for the baby and that's all that's important.  I'm going to read all I can and I'll be so prepared and it's NATURAL, right?  I mean, they didn't have formula for zillions of years look at how many babies survived.  Of COURSE it will work and I will be awesome at it!

13.  I'm done.  I'm ready to meet this child and I'll pull it out from between my legs Kourtney Kardashian style if I have to.  And I'll stay up all day and night with that child as long as it will just COME OUT!

And then you have a sweet little peanut and after visiting with the oh so handsome and sweet little baby Henry Tuck and his parents this past weekend, I have more thoughts on the slightly terrifying and definitely overwhelming "newborn stage" I've previously written about.....maybe this blog drought will be broken yet! 

Wait, I just jinxed myself, didn't I?  Happy Monday!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bailey's 8 month, wait I mean 9 month post!

Yes, I'm still catching up on old stuff.....sorry about that.  

And, there's absolutely no way I'm going to remember everything that she does now but didn't do then.  So, I'm just going to remember what I can, and please forgive me if I'm boring and/or repeat.  Thanks in advance!

Anyway, the important thing is that Bailey has made it to 9.5 months!

Which means that we made it past 8 months...

At 8 months, Bailey: 

Was starting to get SUPER busy - as in, those pictures almost cost both of us life and limb, because keeping her in a chair without straps is virtually impossible these days.

Had 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on the bottom).

Was not yet crawling - she did a bit of an army crawl, and was rocking back and forth on her hands and knees like a wild woman, but had not yet done any actual crawls.

Loved to bite, pinch, hit, and pull her mama's hair  - especially very first thing in the morning - and she was already so strong, it actually reallllly hurt!

Had an ear infection that would NOT go away (hence her mother's lack of blogging energy - yes I know, excuses, excuses).

.....and.....that's about all I've got right now for 8 months!  

 So then we hit 9 months....

At nine months, Bailey: 

Still had 6 teeth, and still was putting everything in her mouth and continually making us think more were on the way.

Was crawling everywhere like a madwoman AND pulling up on everything (she started doing both of those at the beach - such a fun memory).  

Was doing some poses that make us think she's on her way to walking (still SUPER busy):

(for some reason this picture cracks me up and makes me think of the high school yearbook pictures of cheerleaders - although my dad (Pops) thinks it looks like she's doing a football pose, of course.) 

Started doing this sweet dance move (she's bringing breakdancing back....again) (also - LOVE Preston doing "ballet" in the background of this video):


Was loving spaghetti, green beans, bananas!, and other assorted finger foods: 

Would still listen to me when I said "no" - as in, "no, Bailey, let's not grab the cords.  No, Bailey, that's the remote.  No, Bailey, that's mama's phone....ahhhh, now the cords again, let's go find one of your 1,378 toys...." She would give me a sweet smile and head toward the next source of danger thing that looked like fun.  

Was continuing to exhibit what I call her "pageant girl" personality.  Not that I see pageants in her future, but she has such a fun ability to put on a happy smile no matter how bad she feels or what is going on.  If she needs to push herself to stay up or do something when she's tired or when she doesn't feel good, she does it, and with a pleasant attitude.  She definitely didn't get that from me, but I absolutely love it!

Is already showing some smarts, even according to the neutral "experts."  At around 9 months, her sweet teacher, Miss Yolanda, told us that Bailey is "very smart. Not that the other children are less than smart, but even though Bailey has less months, she is VERY VERY smart.  AND always happy!"  Then, at her 9 month appointment, our amazing pediatrician, Dr. Geiger, reiterated that B "really pays attention and knows what's going on.  All babies are great, but you can tell that she is really smart."  Now those are words that will warm a parent's heart!

Had tubes put in her ears on her 9 month "birthday" exactly:

All ready for surgery with JR as her ever-present companion

She was such a trooper - she got a little antsy after not getting any breakfast while waiting for surgery, but she was still charming all the nurses and smiling at everyone.  She picked out her very first "doll" in the toy store they took her through before surgery.  She did have a rough time coming out of the anesthesia - she was very confused and fussy, and screamed for probably about 30 minutes more or less straight before she finally fell asleep and took a good nap.  However, after that she was almost immediately back to her new self, babbling and smiling all over the place!

Bailey is honestly one of the smartest, sweetest, and most fun babies I've ever seen.  She's definitely figuring things out more and more, and I just can't believe how big she's getting or how fast she is growing up.  

We love her SO very much - we are so lucky to have her and I honestly feel so incredibly blessed to be her mom!  I just can't wait to see what she does next :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Baby Weight Chronicles, Part IV: Little Victories and Creeping Fear...

First, a huge little victory which I discovered yesterday morning:


Which sounds REALLY small (& even looks really small in that type) and still leaves 12 to go to get to pre-baby weight, and 17 to get where I'd prefer to be (which is not quite wedding weight but a point at which I feel confident and good in my body). 

Despite the relative smallness of this victory, it feels huge - I've lost those 2 pounds despite taking vacations to the beach and to Knoxville, despite having serious bouts of stress eating due to having a baby with constant ear infections who had to have ear surgery (and who now has a fever virus making her miserable - it never ends!), and despite my total slacking on jogging due to the misery that is Memphis heat.  I'm hoping to pick back up with the running, although I may have to do it after dark (which is not necessarily ideal in Memphis either....) and I'm hoping that will pick the pace back up on the weight loss.

The semi-good news about all the weight I have left to lose is that it's concentrated mainly in my lower belly (right above my c-section surgery incision) and my upper thighs, which means I don't completely HATE every single picture of me.  At least, I don't completely hate those taken from the waist up. 

The bad news about all the weight I have left to lose is that it's concentrated mainly in my lower belly and my upper thighs.  Which means that anything in my closet that was even slightly low-waisted does not fit, even certain pairs of jeans that seemed huge and so so easy to wear before.  Although I also have to admit that it means that some things that I never thought I would fit into at this point which have some stretch and button higher up, like my skinny jeans, actually fit pretty easily. Unfortunately, it also means that I still look pregnant enough to fear wearing any dress or skirt that is "fitted" and meant to be tight, as I'm not sure I could control myself if anyone were to "congratulate" me on my fat pouch.

The odd fitting of some clothes and concentration of weight in the belly/thighs has also meant that I can no longer ignore the creeping fear that has been there all along:

What if this belly never goes away and my clothes never fit correctly again no matter how much weight I lose?

I'm really not sure that this is an irrational fear, either.  I've heard too many people say that after a c-section, your stomach is never the same.  Yes, I've heard people say that about giving birth in general as well, but I've also seen my friends, pretty much all of whom look as good or better after giving birth.  And yes, I do have friends who have had c-sections and also now look as good or better as they did before. (Are all of my friends just freaks of nature?  Where are these other women who claim to struggle with post-natal weight loss?  Although I've been able to commiserate with a friend from college who has a baby around Bailey's age and read my baby weight struggles on this blog and who, even though she still looks super skinny to me, definitely provided me with the invaluable insight that losing her baby weight is the only thing that is really keeping her from feeling like herself again after becoming a mom (I couldn't agree more) no one who lives near me seems to have these issues......So. Not. Fair.)

My belly simply does not seem to be heading back towards flatness.  Don't get me wrong, I've definitely noticed some flattening here and there when I suck in and don't breathe with the slooooooooow loss of pounds, but the "pouch" is still just SO noticeable to me.  It's like my body thinks I'm part kangaroo and is holding a spot for Bailey, just in case she wants to hop back in for a minute. 

Oh well, onward I trudge, hoping to lose my 1/2 pound this week and have another little victory next month.  I mean, kangaroos are cute, right?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Long overdue Father's Day Weekend post (recipe included)!

I realize this post (like the last post) is about something that happened approximately a month ago - but this weekend deserves it's own post, and who needs a topical blog anyway?  Details, people, details... 

On Saturday, we went over to Bubba and Deborah's house and put Bailey in the pool for the FIRST time - she loved it.  Our apartment cardboard box is actually right next to the complex pool, but we wanted to save Bailey's first pool trip for Bubba and Deborah's!  We planned it at the last minute, so unfortunately Deborah couldn't join us, but I'm sure we'll do it again soon with everyone there....

Look at that face!  I think she's excited...

Sweet little waterbug.

Hanging with Bubba!

Then, on Sunday, Bailey and I got up early and let Scott sleep in.  B was sweet enough to play and entertain herself while I made Scott his first Father's day breakfast!

Nothing says summer like fresh fruit salad!  

We also had this egg, sausage, hashbrown, and cheese casserole.  Sorry about the picture - it wasn't that pretty to start with, but I forgot to take one until it was almost halfway gone. 

Anyway, this is a great recipe that you can make the night before and throw in the oven in the morning.  Very minimal work involved here, and that's what I'm all about.  Here's the recipe (from my friend and sweet new mama Suzanne Tuck!):

1 can cresent rolls
1 cup frozen hash browns
1 cup cooked sausage
1 cup shredded cheese
5 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Press cresent rolls onto ungreased 10 inch pan. Place hash browns, sausage and cheese on top. Mix eggs, milk, salt, pepper. Pour over casserole. Bake at 350 for 30 mins.

(Like Suzanne, I don't necessarily get very specific on the 1 cup stuff - I just throw in what looks good and it turns out well every time!) 

After breakfast, we went and walked on the Greenline, ate lunch at Cheffie's, stopped in to see Bubba again, and then went to get a good sushi dinner (Bailey stuck to yogurt and cheese): 

How cute is this picture? It may be another of my all-time favorites.  I love the coordinating outfits!

There is, however, an off-topic and kind of creepy story that goes along with this dinner that I have to share.  We ate at Sekisui midtown, and sat at one of the small tables set up on a bench that runs across the back of the restaurant.  Well, these tables are pretty close together, and when we sat down, the guy at the next table made some small talk about Bailey.  Asked how old she was, said she was cute, normal stuff, nothing obviously creepy.  During dinner, Bailey was being her normal, charming self - babbling, smiling, and clapping, etc. - when, without warning and definitely without asking permission, the guy who had made the small talk took out his iPhone and starts taking a bunch of pictures of her. 

It was very obvious what he was doing - he was sitting approximately one foot away from me, both Scott and I could hear the "shutter" sound iPhones make when they take pictures, and he was aiming his phone straight at her.  No one at his table (he was eating with 2 girls) mentioned it, and Scott and I just gave each other "whaaaaa?" faces and sat there, obviously a little confused and uncomfortable.  After about 30-45 seconds, he finally put his phone away. 

After some covert texting about the situation and weirdness that had just occurred, Scott and I decided to ignore it and move on, but then about 10 minutes later the creeper guy started doing it AGAIN!  By this point, Bailey had begun to get a little antsy in her high chair, so she and Scott were playing with a cloth napkin, and Scott kind of tried to use it as a shield to block the guy's pictures.  The guy was unfazed by the obvious awkwardness, and still attempted to take several more pictures before putting his phone away. 

I mean, I know I think Bailey is one of the cutest babies on the entire planet and everyone else agrees (at least to my face) but was this at all normal?  Has anyone else had anything like this happen?  We ignored it - but we were definitely uncomfortable and took some pictures of HIM just in case.  But, like the semi normal people we are, we took pictures of him in the stealth manner you would EXPECT someone to use when taking pictures of a stranger.  It was so weird - even typing this up has made me feel kind of weird about it all over again.

Anyway, then we came back home, and Reilly and Bailey helped Scott play with his new iPad, which was his 3rd anniversary/first Father's Day present (you can't see it, but the engraving says "happy first father's day, love, bailey"):

Then, we had fudge pie - I definitely will post the recipe for this pie, but it is so freaking good that it deserves its own post - yummmmmmm!: 

Next few planned posts include Bailey's 9 (and 8 - oops, bad mommy!) month post, as well as our 4th of July weekend pictures - I'll try to get to that soon! 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Beach Picture Dump and We're Baaaaack!

So sorry for the extended blog hiatus. But, it's summer. And, I'm lazy.  Plus, I've been writing so much at work that I've been completely worn out writing-wise by the time I get home. But, yeah, mostly the lazy thing.

I do plan to try to catch up - we have some huge updates to address, as Bailey still seems to be doing something new just about every day, and we have zillions of amazing pictures to post. So, in an obviously extraordinary effort to make up for my long absence, I'm going to post a bunch of beach pictures. Some with captions, some without captions, because, again, I'm LAZY. And, they mostly speak for themselves - as in, Bailey keeps telling us she has ears that hurt and we keep trying to think it's nothing because she's just always so dang HAPPY. Also, Bailey looks really cute and has a blast with her cousins, Aunt Angie, Mimi and Pops, and our family friends the Greggs.

We had a great time and hope y'all enjoy the pictures! I'll be back - PROMISE pinky swear this time (and we all know that's unbreakable) - VERY SOON! Probably with more lazy pictures from our 4th of July weekend, etc., but hey, that's what lazy blogging is about. Also, Bailey's ears seem to be wonderful now - our ENT, Blake Williams, did a great job, and y'all's happy prayers and thoughts most definitely helped. Thanks so much.  

(Bonus tip for the pictures - here is a fun blog reader tip I didn't know til very recently - if you double click on a picture I post, it will come up in its own screen, much bigger and in better quality. So feel free to do that on any picture I'm not in, because no one wants to see me close up.)

Happy summer everyone!


In case you're keeping count, this was the second picture in which we unknowingly captured Bailey reacting to what must have been some pretty significant ear pain.  But, honestly, those first few days she was still so happy, no one could believe anything was wrong with her.  And even when it became clear she was hurting, she still had a lot of fun and acted way better than anyone had ever seen a baby with double ear infections act.  HOW did we get so lucky?!?

Bailey LOVED her Aunt Angie.  I mean, A LOT.  It was so fun to see.

Anyone know where that that random weirdo dimple under my eye came from?   I've never seen it before these pictures....Is it leftover baby weight? Old age?  Sun?  Motherhood?  Bueller?

At first, we wondered where she got this facial expression from....

 Now, we know. 

She and I kinda have the same facial expression here?  I mean, we look alike at least a little bit.....right?!?!?

I. Love. These.  I was looking forward to getting these shots all week, and they did not disappoint.  Yes, I'm weird.  (Also - we did try the hat thing.  Multiple times.  She's hated them since she was approximately 2 weeks old, and would not keep one on for more than a few minutes, no matter how cute it looked.  Which, obviously, led to her ever-present squint in the sun.)

Scott caught a flounder!  We cooked it up and it was delicious. 

 Bailey looks comfortable secure.


I cannot tell you how much I love these three girls.  It's just impossible.  

See previous caption.

I love them.  That is all.

Maybe one of my favorite moments ever captured on camera.  EVER.  Love them. 

Also, we got to see Aunt Tracy (and her sweet little baby bump....) on our way back to Memphis!  Yay!  I can't wait to hold a new, sweet little baby!