Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SEVEN MONTHS! (I'm not yelling at you, I'm just amazed)

I cannot believe my beautiful, amazing, sweet little girl is seven months old!

Clearly, she's having a little bit of trouble believing it herself....

OK, so I'm how old?  And you want me to what?  

Smile?  I'm just not sure.....

Can't I just open my mouth and KIND OF smile just enough to show off my two awesome teeth?

No?  Ok, then I will smile my beautiful smile and even show off some impressive posture!

Then I will yell at you in joy from our favorite rocker/glider which you love and make me take pictures on just cause you like it so much!

At 7 months, Bailey: 

Is starting to GET. IT. - I mean, she even knows certain words, including "bite," which will make her open her mouth wide, and it is amazing to see! (Video proof of her "getting things" and just being super cute playing with her dad):

(Yes, I thought about trying to edit out the disgustingness that is our cluttered apartment in the background, but let's face it, I have no shame, so just go ahead and judge me and enjoy that.)

Has decided that she really, really likes her mom and dad people and will cry when people that she really, really likes leave the room without her "permission" (aka distraction).

Still just wants to roll anywhere she wants to go - daycare is working on crawling, but I'm still pretty sure she'd rather jump and stand (though she's done neither yet) than crawl, and I'm in no hurry!  

Loves sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, and carrots (all veggies - I hope this keeps up!). She is ok with just about everything else - the only things she noticeably doesn't like are prunes and peas (I'm still working on peas, but I'm actually ok with no prunes because they have some less-than-desirable side effects).

Has graduated to the Infant II class at daycare (as of Monday, and she skipped the baby in the bed ahead of her because she's clearly a GENIUS) - which kinda made me sad at first, but has actually turned out to be AWESOME because she usually takes at least an hour to two hour nap in the afternoon, which is a vast improvement over the three 15 to 20 minute naps she was taking in her Infant I class, and makes her such a happier baby in the evenings (as long as she sleeps until at least 7 a.m. or so....)

Is in a phase where she wakes up between 5-5:45 a.m. and will NOT go back to bed in her crib, even though she's clearly exhausted and will fall asleep almost immediately on my chest when I pick her up.  We tried to cry it out with checks, but it was terrible and I can't do it.  So, from when she first wakes up until when she REALLY wakes up, she sleeps on my chest.  In our bed.  For the foreseeable future.  And I love every minute of it.  Don't tell the pediatricians. 

LOVES LOVES LOVES Reilly.  I mean, she visibly gets excited and jumps up and down when she sees Reilly, and wants to grab her fur and hug her neck. The feeling is completely mutual.  Reilly has to be held back from constantly kissing Bailey when Bailey wants to play with her, and they are about the cutest pair I've ever seen. 

Has said a prompted and convincing "dada" on at least two occasions (early in the month) and got out a somewhat convincing "mama" twice last Sunday in the grocery store.  She's very rarely in the mood to mock what we say, but we love it when she does!

Has finally (knock on wood) conquered her constant congestion.  (MOM FAIL ALERT - I'm pretty sure (now) that she had some kind of sinus infection, but I kept thinking it was constant daycare illness, as we would have good days here and there, and then miserable days, and then good days, and, well, I just didn't know.)  Sorry, B. :(.

Still loves the exersaucer and jumperoo, but would probably rather sit on a blanket and play with toys until Reilly knocks her over.

Still loves to give kisses and hugs, and we may love it even more than she does.  Best. Feeling. Ever.

I could go on and on, but honestly, I still find myself looking at her and wondering how in the world we got so lucky all the time.  She definitely has a sweet heart, although she's not above asserting her will if she wants to do something different than what we're having her do (love that - wonder where she gets it?).  She makes me smile and laugh and sometimes want to pull my hair out every day, and I just can't get enough of her (although I am reaching that kind of freaking out point which makes me wonder where in the world did my baby go and why is she wearing SHOES (which are now *required* by daycare)). 

I just LOVE her sooooo much and want to squeeze her and keep her as my sweet baby forever!  

We love you, Bailey, more than you will EVER know!

1 comment:

  1. She's so stinking cute!!! There was this adorable little red headed girl, who was just as smiley and personable as she could be in my Sunday School class last week. Itwas her 5th b-day, and she was please as punch- all I could think about was that I was seeing an older version of adorable Bailey!
