Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Right now....

I can barely keep my eyes open, as Bailey had me halfway awake from 3:30 a.m. on this morning, but I'm trying to stay up to get some time with Scott before we leave for vacation with my family, as he worked late tonight and now is trading cars with his dad so we can hopefully fit all our stuff in the car and actually sit in it as well. 

I should be packing while I wait for Scott to get home, but instead I'm watching crappy tv (Chelsea Lately, to be exact), drinking a glass of wine, and making myself depressed by thinking about how quickly Bailey is growing up.   And Memphis.  Just in general. 

I tried packing earlier, but then got overwhelmed and quit.  Which means that tomorrow should be fun. 

We took terrible pictures of Bailey tonight for her 8 month photo shoot.  It didn't go so well.  She didn't eat well at school, so she was super grumpy, and she is such a busybody these days that she just kept trying to crawl out of the chair.  Also, there may have been a minor injury which occurred when someone failed to keep an eye on her for exactly 1/4 of a second and she managed to get her body halfway out of the chair, which, because of gravity, meant that her head was halfway to the floor and was only stopped from going all the way by her exersaucer leaving a little red mark gently knocking it before I could grab her.  Please don't call CPS. 

I'd planned to put the good pictures from our photo shot tonight together to make Bailey's 8 month blog post tonight, but instead I'm sitting here, drinking wine, and watching crappy tv.  And writing this post, which no one cares about. 

My new plan to jumpstart my metabolism by jogging and reducing carb intake has apparently resulted in me gaining a few pounds.  Awesome. 

In case you can't tell, I'm in need of some positive energy.  Yes, this is vague, but whatever good vibes and happy prayers could be sent our way, I'd be totally grateful for them. 

Sorry for being all whiny again, but to make up for it, here's a cute picture of Bailey from her 8 month photo shoot to keep you busy while we're gone..........Hope y'all have a wonderful next week and a half - we're going on a vacation hiatus (unless I get crazy and upload some type of app with which to update from the beach.....)!

Also, some outtakes which demonstrate why this photo shoot didn't exactly go as planned (despite my clearly awesome photography skills, which obviously don't result in any blurry pictures): 

I can crawl!  Right off the chair!

Mom, this is awesome!

Ahhh, I love Reilly!

Plus, now I know how to clap, which is totally awesome!

Oh, I've gotta go, I've got WAY more important things to do than sit here in this chair and look pretty - for instance, watch this, I'm going to make mom look away to put down the camera JUST as I decide to crawl off the chair!


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