Sunday, July 10, 2011

Beach Picture Dump and We're Baaaaack!

So sorry for the extended blog hiatus. But, it's summer. And, I'm lazy.  Plus, I've been writing so much at work that I've been completely worn out writing-wise by the time I get home. But, yeah, mostly the lazy thing.

I do plan to try to catch up - we have some huge updates to address, as Bailey still seems to be doing something new just about every day, and we have zillions of amazing pictures to post. So, in an obviously extraordinary effort to make up for my long absence, I'm going to post a bunch of beach pictures. Some with captions, some without captions, because, again, I'm LAZY. And, they mostly speak for themselves - as in, Bailey keeps telling us she has ears that hurt and we keep trying to think it's nothing because she's just always so dang HAPPY. Also, Bailey looks really cute and has a blast with her cousins, Aunt Angie, Mimi and Pops, and our family friends the Greggs.

We had a great time and hope y'all enjoy the pictures! I'll be back - PROMISE pinky swear this time (and we all know that's unbreakable) - VERY SOON! Probably with more lazy pictures from our 4th of July weekend, etc., but hey, that's what lazy blogging is about. Also, Bailey's ears seem to be wonderful now - our ENT, Blake Williams, did a great job, and y'all's happy prayers and thoughts most definitely helped. Thanks so much.  

(Bonus tip for the pictures - here is a fun blog reader tip I didn't know til very recently - if you double click on a picture I post, it will come up in its own screen, much bigger and in better quality. So feel free to do that on any picture I'm not in, because no one wants to see me close up.)

Happy summer everyone!


In case you're keeping count, this was the second picture in which we unknowingly captured Bailey reacting to what must have been some pretty significant ear pain.  But, honestly, those first few days she was still so happy, no one could believe anything was wrong with her.  And even when it became clear she was hurting, she still had a lot of fun and acted way better than anyone had ever seen a baby with double ear infections act.  HOW did we get so lucky?!?

Bailey LOVED her Aunt Angie.  I mean, A LOT.  It was so fun to see.

Anyone know where that that random weirdo dimple under my eye came from?   I've never seen it before these pictures....Is it leftover baby weight? Old age?  Sun?  Motherhood?  Bueller?

At first, we wondered where she got this facial expression from....

 Now, we know. 

She and I kinda have the same facial expression here?  I mean, we look alike at least a little bit.....right?!?!?

I. Love. These.  I was looking forward to getting these shots all week, and they did not disappoint.  Yes, I'm weird.  (Also - we did try the hat thing.  Multiple times.  She's hated them since she was approximately 2 weeks old, and would not keep one on for more than a few minutes, no matter how cute it looked.  Which, obviously, led to her ever-present squint in the sun.)

Scott caught a flounder!  We cooked it up and it was delicious. 

 Bailey looks comfortable secure.


I cannot tell you how much I love these three girls.  It's just impossible.  

See previous caption.

I love them.  That is all.

Maybe one of my favorite moments ever captured on camera.  EVER.  Love them. 

Also, we got to see Aunt Tracy (and her sweet little baby bump....) on our way back to Memphis!  Yay!  I can't wait to hold a new, sweet little baby!


  1. Love the booty shot! (& the Chez Ami whale bubble) She's too cute Amy!!

  2. You have some great pictures. I love the black and white of her standing on daddy's arms and her sitting alone on the beach.

  3. Great pictures, Amy! Bailey is so precious!
