Yes, I'm still catching up on old stuff.....sorry about that.
And, there's absolutely no way I'm going to remember everything that she does now but didn't do then. So, I'm just going to remember what I can, and please forgive me if I'm boring and/or repeat. Thanks in advance!
Anyway, the important thing is that Bailey has made it to 9.5 months!
Which means that we made it past 8 months...
At 8 months, Bailey:
Was starting to get SUPER busy - as in, those pictures almost cost both of us life and limb, because keeping her in a chair without straps is virtually impossible these days.
Had 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on the bottom).
Was not yet crawling - she did a bit of an army crawl, and was rocking back and forth on her hands and knees like a wild woman, but had not yet done any actual crawls.
Loved to bite, pinch, hit, and pull her mama's hair - especially very first thing in the morning - and she was already so strong, it actually reallllly hurt!
Had an ear infection that would NOT go away (hence her mother's lack of blogging energy - yes I know, excuses, excuses).
.....and.....that's about all I've got right now for 8 months!
So then we hit 9 months....
At nine months, Bailey:
Still had 6 teeth, and still was putting everything in her mouth and continually making us think more were on the way.
Was crawling everywhere like a madwoman AND pulling up on everything (she started doing both of those at the beach - such a fun memory).
Was doing some poses that make us think she's on her way to walking (still SUPER busy):
(for some reason this picture cracks me up and makes me think of the high school yearbook pictures of cheerleaders - although my dad (Pops) thinks it looks like she's doing a football pose, of course.)
Started doing this sweet dance move (she's bringing breakdancing back....again) (also - LOVE Preston doing "ballet" in the background of this video):
Was loving spaghetti, green beans, bananas!, and other assorted finger foods:
Would still listen to me when I said "no" - as in, "no, Bailey, let's not grab the cords. No, Bailey, that's the remote. No, Bailey, that's mama's phone....ahhhh, now the cords again, let's go find one of your 1,378 toys...." She would give me a sweet smile and head toward the next source of danger thing that looked like fun.
Was continuing to exhibit what I call her "pageant girl" personality. Not that I see pageants in her future, but she has such a fun ability to put on a happy smile no matter how bad she feels or what is going on. If she needs to push herself to stay up or do something when she's tired or when she doesn't feel good, she does it, and with a pleasant attitude. She definitely didn't get that from me, but I absolutely love it!
Is already showing some smarts, even according to the neutral "experts." At around 9 months, her sweet teacher, Miss Yolanda, told us that Bailey is "very smart. Not that the other children are less than smart, but even though Bailey has less months, she is VERY VERY smart. AND always happy!" Then, at her 9 month appointment, our amazing pediatrician, Dr. Geiger, reiterated that B "really pays attention and knows what's going on. All babies are great, but you can tell that she is really smart." Now those are words that will warm a parent's heart!
Had tubes put in her ears on her 9 month "birthday" exactly:
All ready for surgery with JR as her ever-present companion
She was such a trooper - she got a little antsy after not getting any breakfast while waiting for surgery, but she was still charming all the nurses and smiling at everyone. She picked out her very first "doll" in the toy store they took her through before surgery. She did have a rough time coming out of the anesthesia - she was very confused and fussy, and screamed for probably about 30 minutes more or less straight before she finally fell asleep and took a good nap. However, after that she was almost immediately back to her new self, babbling and smiling all over the place!
Bailey is honestly one of the smartest, sweetest, and most fun babies I've ever seen. She's definitely figuring things out more and more, and I just can't believe how big she's getting or how fast she is growing up.
We love her SO very much - we are so lucky to have her and I honestly feel so incredibly blessed to be her mom! I just can't wait to see what she does next :)
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