Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm not sure what I want to do with this blog.  I like writing it, as I like writing in general, and I've always wanted to see if I could do it in non-legal way that wasn't completely terrible.  It is also, for lack of a better term, a type of "journal" about this amazing stage in my life that I will actually keep up. 

But sometimes it feels very a little vain and attention whore-ish, as well as oversharing-ish and maybe even know-it-all-ish (even though I don't know it all, and sometimes I don't think I know anything at all.)  And, let's face it, it totally is vain and attention whore-ish, as the only reason I will actually keep it up whereas I would never keep up with a normal journal is because I want people to read it and I want people to like it, and sometimes I'm really proud of my posts.  

So, I don't know where I'm going.  I've made this blog very public and repeatedly (and probably obnoxiously) linked to it from facebook.  But I share some very private things, and while I try to shut up the voices in my head who really, really worry about what other people think, they take over sometimes and I get all fidgety and mortified that I have shared what I've shared and I want to shut it down or delete it or make people sign in to read it. 

I'm not fishing for any feedback, I just wanted to be honest and say that that's where I am today.  Tomorrow I'll probably be all, screw it, who cares what they think, I like doing it so I'm going on.  And then I'll lay awake at night freaking out about the fact that I shared those pictures of my pregnant belly.   

I don't want to go all Sybil on you, but I'm really not sure which voice is going to win.

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