Tina Fey is a genius: http://melodygodfred.com/2011/04/15/a-mothers-prayer-for-its-child-by-tina-fey/ This story (post? article? funny thing?) made me laugh. Then the end made me cry like a baby. Don't worry, it's not sad - its touching and funny and TRUE - crying is just what I do when I see sweet/touching things and am barely surviving on five and a half hours of sleep because I have terrible judgment and decide to rely on the fact that Bailey has been sleeping until at least 7:30 the last week or so by going to bed at midnight. So if anyone sends me an email forward with a video of a dog rescuing his injured doggie friend from the middle of the street or a baby elephant getting pulled out of the water by the adult elephants just when you get all scared that the baby's never going to get out, some ugly crying may or may not occur (hint: it definitely will). Just in case you were wondering, I'm not a genius.
Also - yes, this really happened last week:
Yes, that is Bailey, naked except for a diaper and in a grossly dirty bib and matching grossly dirty face (of course she would do a cute thing like this when she had food all over her and was not wearing one of her zillions of cute outfits), fast asleep (she was even doing a soft little adorable snore) in her high chair, halfway through her dinner. Our sweet little baby who REFUSES to sleep at daycare decided she needed a cat nap to get her through the rest of dinner and bath/story time. And that's ok.
Also, this is not really funny, but it's pretty cute - the growing relationship between Reilly and Bailey is so fun to watch. Bailey gets so excited when she sees Reilly and lets out a huge belly laugh when she watches Reilly chase her ball around the living room. Reilly loves to give Bailey kisses, and she's a lot more tolerant of Bailey's hair pulling than I am (when she gets a good grip, especially on the little baby hairs that won't go back in a ponytail, it really makes me want to say very bad words). Look at this cuteness:
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