Y'all, we have had serious highs and lows this week, but the cuteness has been pretty darn consistent.
First, a definite high: last weekend B had a play date with Will Kizer. Their first play date was almost exactly a year ago, when they looked like this:
(also, at last year's play date, Bailey was in a teething/kissing phase - she would kind of gum us to kiss us, and she TOTALLY kissed Will when they were leaving. I freaking love that story.)
Well, this year they looked a bit different, but they still had a blast together:
To quote AK, I "love everything about this"!
They also worked in some lovin' - thankfully for B, it was a little more 2 sided this time, as Will finally made it clear that he returned her affections:
Clearly, they are both excellent huggers.
Even though B had been growing fussier (which I chalked up to teething, as she has at least one big ol' tooth coming in), she and I headed to an Easter egg hunt with Will and other friends on Sunday. It was Bailey's very first one, and she picked up on it very quickly:
She MAY have picked up on it a little too well, actually - at one point, right after I'd asked her if she wanted to hunt more eggs and she said "NO," she began to grab Will's eggs out of his basket as soon as he turned around. Sneaky girl!
Scoping out her target while Will checks out the donkey at the petting zoo, where B was fearless as usual.
Late last Sunday afternoon, Scott arrived back in Knoxville (he spent last weekend at a bachelor party in Saint Simon, GA, while Bailey and I spent it with Pops while Mimi was out of town). Of course, B was back to her old self - she must've saved up all her cuteness for him just so that my many texts to him from the weekend regarding using tv to get a break from the fussiness and/or wtf is this baby's problem probably seemed ludicrous. Until, that is, the next morning, when Bailey's fussiness showed it's true cause - she was pretty warm and very lethargic, so I stayed home with her. After attempting a trip to the grocery store during which she whined the ENTIRE time even when I resorted to googling Peppa Pig clips on youtube to play for her on my phone in order to get some peace (judge away - I'm fairly certain I would have judged myself for that act up until the moment I realized I was going to have to do it....) So after Bailey immediately passed out in her car seat while we were still in the Kroger parking lot and then laid on mommy and/or the couch for a few hours, our day finally reached a type of high which was really definitely a low - as in, B's temp reached 104.6:

Poor baby :(
I love the cuddles, I hate the reason behind them....
Thankfully (and typically), only a few minutes after Scott got home from work on Monday, the fever seemed to have broken and we thought we were out of the woods, as she's had several fever viruses which have lasted a day or so (he did get to see some of her most pathetic moments of the day, but I swear, dads have some kind of miracle healing powers, which are awesome but also make mamas go what?!).
We headed to her 18 month checkup on Tuesday morning, where she was a happy baby and had a minimal temp (and was 75 percentile in height and weight and 85 percentile in head size - must be the big brain!) and Scott's mom came to watch her that afternoon since she couldn't go back to school until her temp had been gone for 24 hours. Well, unfortunately, just as I was on my way home from work, Bailey's temp spiked again and she threw up all over :( Even though she'd taken Advil an hour or so before I got home, her temp was still 104 when I took it after getting home. That one stayed pretty darn high and didn't break until 9 or 9:30 that night, so we watched many Peppas while trying to console her, as I was far too afraid to put her to bed for fear that the fever would spike yet again. Thankfully, she woke up Wednesday morning with no fever whatsoever and got to spend a fun (and vomitless) day with her Mo (Scott's mom).
But, even after going to school Thursday, B's fussiness (and, sure enough, my fussiness) seemed to reappear Friday. We had to get BOTH B's 15 AND 18 month shots that morning (yes, we are terrible parents. We had no idea there was a 15 month appointment until she'd been 15 months for awhile, and when I called to make the appointment, I didn't think about the fact that it was basically already on her 18 month appointment date.) So, needless to say, that was a rough start to our Good Friday (mommy may have shed a few tears with Bailey....). We spent most of the rest of the day at Mimi and Pops' house while Scott put the finishing touches on a Boston Whaler he's been working on (more on that later...). On Saturday, we took B to the zoo, and she seemed ok, but not great.
So, Scott and I went out to celebrate Loucinda coming in town on Saturday night since we were all going to spend the night before Easter at my parents' house and they wanted to babysit her (and dye eggs with her - Pops is all. about. dyeing eggs for Easter, which is pretty darn cool):
Bailey woke up on Sunday to some fun surprises from the Easter bunny, who may have gotten a little bit carried away (but it was pretty much stuff she would have gotten anyway...... so stop interrogating me!):
Her "cheese" face. We're working on it.
So, after eating her Monster Mix (or *cough* just picking out the m & ms) for breakfast, we got ready and headed to church. After my car failed to start and we got it jumped (twice....), we got to church in time basically to hear the last hymn. Happy Easter indeed. We stuck around for the Easter egg hunt and although B had somehow lost her egg hunting skills, she had fun and outsmarted everyone again, finding a bin of (I think thrown away/used, but whatever) Easter eggs after pretty much refusing to at all participate in the actual hunt, though she loved being on the big kid playground which I don't think she gets to get on while she's at school.

Today (Easter) B has seemed pretty rough, and I ended up having to call the ped to figure out whether, and to what extent, I should be concerned about her extreme fussiness (she ended the day in my arms, on the couch, watching the Masters - not her style). She seems to be having a pretty rough reaction to the shots on Friday, and we're hoping she'll be better tomorrow.
But I know she would want me to wish you all a HAPPY HAPPY EASTER :)