Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some Things I'm Loving Right Now

I want to leave for vacation on a high note (which last night's post definitely was not - sorry about that, it was definitely the result of my habits of over-analysis and over-sharing + a glass of wine on about 5 hours sleep + the fear of another night with only 5 hours sleep (these days, that's out of my hands).  Apparently when you put all that together, it = "poor me" blog posts.  Duly noted.)

So - here are some things I'm loving right now, in no particular order: 

- Running:  ok, maybe LOVE is too strong of a word right now.  But I'm up to 50 minutes, I'm getting stronger, and it's getting a wee bit easier.  As in, sometimes I don't even look at my watch until 20-30 minutes in, as opposed to my former "holy crap it has to have been 20 minutes by now" which would then be followed by a watch check showing I'd only been running for 7 minutes, after which I'd curse and want to cry.   So the "minute counting" running usually only happens for the last 5 minutes or so.  I've even felt small bouts of the runner's high.  

-The newly-redone Kroger on Mendenhall:  It has, like, 17,000 types of cheeses.  16,000 of which I've never heard of, but look delicious - and they have free samples most of the time, so I can verify that most of them taste delicious too! (Something you should know about me:  If there's a free food sample within site, I'm trying it at least 99% of the time.  Even if I have to elbow some old folks out of my way.)  It also has packs of 4 Yobaby yogurts for about a dollar cheaper than Whole Foods.  And, it introduced me to the awesomeness that is Amy's organic frozen foods.  Which are similar to Lean Cuisines, only organic (and therefore a little more expensive) and better tasting (I'm a calorie counter, not a fat gram counter, so the added fat grams don't bother me).   They are my new go-to lunch foods to keep me from overspending on both money and calories at lunch.   Also, they have an awesome name. 

- The fact that Bailey said "mama" the other day:  I know she had no idea what she was saying, nor would she even repeat it back to me afterwards.  But while I was feeding her, she just looked right up at the ceiling fan and said "mama" (Yes - the ceiling fan.  I wouldn've preferred eye contact, but beggars can't be choosers.  Also, I'm pretty sure she wasn't calling the ceiling fan "mama" but one can never be certain....)  I know I will probably regret saying this in the near future when I can't have a phone conversation without interruption, but right now I can't wait to hear that word more often!

- The fact that Bailey gets to spend time with her sweet cousins Maddie and Caroline, her aunt Angie, and her Mimi and Pops next week at Pawleys (although of course we're going to miss you Bill, Tracy, Omar and Preston!):  I grew up going to Pawleys each year with my family and my cousins on my mom's side, Rob, Ginny and Sara, as well as my aunts and uncles, and I just love that Bailey is going to have similar memories. 

 Also, do you think Maddie could teach Bailey this pose?:

So fierce - Love it!  

Ok, now I'm really going to head out - we leave for Knoxville tonight, then may go halfway to Pawleys tomorrow night, then all the way Saturday.  Y'all have a great week!

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