Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daily devotion blog?

Well, I need some help from you, if you're reading this (anyone? someone? crickets? tumbleweed?).  I don't discuss religion on here, at least not so far.  And to be honest, I don't discuss religion much even when I'm NOT on here. 

Not because I don't believe, because I do.  Pretty much my whole life, I was involved in church/religious activities, and I've always kept my faith. However, I think I first lost the habit of church somewhere in the lazy and maybe a little bit hungover Sundays in college, and once you've lost it, it's hard to get it back.  I definitely didn't get it back while under in the stress of law school in a new city, and although Scott and I have bouts of church-going, we've had a hard time getting motivated to actually get involved in a church, as we keep thinking we're going to move to Knoxville sometime soon (which appears to have been put off indefinitely again - I'm not trying to vague-blog, but I'm not ready to talk about that whole thing, at least not publicly, yet).  And although I know you don't need a church to have faith, and I still definitely have faith and pray daily, I think I would benefit from some outside help.  

So anyway - where was I going with this, that explanatory tangent was not necessary nor planned, but that's how blogging goes, at least for me and my complete inability to filter - while I try continue to try to convince myself that we WILL start getting at least to a Sunday morning service at least once in awhile (we are pretty much those only Easter/Christmas service people right now, especially since Bailey's schedule is so difficult to predict that I sometimes have a hard time going to the bathroom, let alone anywhere on time), I was wondering if anyone knew about any daily devotional blogs that I could add to my blog list in the right column.  I'm terrible about picking up a devotion book, or the Bible, but if it's on my blog, I'm pretty sure I'll read it.  (fyi, in case you're wondering, I got this idea when one of the blogs on the right posted a great devotion today - check it out!)

I haven't seen any blogs like that, but I'm sure there should be some good ones out there.   I could probably google it, but I don't necessarily want to weed through a lot of bad ones to finally find a good one! 

Soooo....does anyone have any ideas? 

(Why do I feel all nervous, like I'm putting up my hand for a high 5 in front of the entire internet and I'm about to get "left hangin'," as we called it in middle school?  Probably because I am.)


  1. I like Proverbs 31 Ministries (they will e-mail you a devotion each morning) or Lysa TerKeurst:

    Lysa started Proverbs 31 Ministries and actually came and spoke at Hope awhile back. Those are the two I read daily. I am sure there are more.

    Hope you are having a great day! Bailey is too cute :)

  2. Thanks Alissa! I will definitely check those out. Hope y'all are doing great and Jack is ready to be a big brother so soon! Stay cool (is that even possible in Memphis?)! Remembering being pregnant in the summer may give me nightmares!

  3. Hi Amy -

    Another way to go is BSF, a non-denominational bible study that they have Monday evenings. I have yet to join but pretty sure I am going to join this year. I don't know all the details but if you are interested I will find out.

  4. Thanks Haley! That sounds great, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to commit to something like that - I get so little time with Bailey during the week, I don't think I'd ever consistentlymake it so something that takes me away from her one night a week. But I'll let you know if start wanting to do it! Thanks again :)
