Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bailey's first weekend at home!

Bailey cuddling with dad on Friday night on the patio

Exhausted after cheering for the Vols.  I know how she feels!

Snuggling on Mimi's chest for a nap - I think she slept here for more than 2 hours!

Hanging in my sweet kicks from Aunt Angie!  Note:  her feet are not actually big enough to fit in these, we just thought they were awesome and they helped to keep her too big socks on her feet!

Cuddling with dad and big sister Reilly on the couch. 

Mary Preston being sweet and saying hello to Bailey

As you can see, Bailey's first weekend at home was filled with family and fun!  Both my mom (Mimi) and Scott's mom (Mims or Mo, it has yet to be finally determined) were here, and Scott's sister Tracy, her husband Omar, and their little girl Mary Preston came to visit and stayed with Scott's dad right down the street.  On Friday night, we all hung out at our house and ate delicious chicken tetrazzini my dad sent us.  On Saturday, we watched the Vols play (not so well, unfortunately) against Georgia before having a good dinner at Scott's dad's house on Saturday night.  On Sunday after everyone left we even got to skype with my sister Angie, her husband Bill and Maddie and Caroline to let them say a virtual hello to Bailey and let us say happy 3rd birthday to Caroline.

It was so fun to see everyone and especially to see Mary Preston meet her (first) first cousin!  She was adorable and loved saying hi to the baby.  Maddie and Caroline loved seeing baby Bailey through skype and were really cute in saying hello and telling her they loved her.

My mom stayed at our house with us and was a great help by getting and keeping our house spotless and was even so nice to fill up our refrigerator again after Scott's mom had been so nice and filled it up the week before! We are so blessed to have had all the help from our families and cannot thank everyone enough.  Bailey is already one lucky little girl to have such great extended family!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

She's Here!

After a very long day, Bailey was welcomed into the world at 5:23pm on October 1, 2010.  She weighed 8lbs 13ozs and measured 20 1/2 inches long.  The doctor called her a tank, but she's far from a Michelin baby.

Labor started around 2:30am, but despite 14hrs of time and a little coaxing by modern medicine, we ultimately had to have a C-section as Bailey was refusing to help us out.  Amy and Bailey are doing great though and the nurses have been extremely impressed with how Amy's handling everything and is already moving around.  Bailey's also being a trooper and is doing her best to help us catch up on some sleep.

Thanks to everyone for all of your well wishes and prayers.  For those of y'all wanting to visit, just give us a call.  We hope to be going home from the hospital in a couple of days.

This has been an incredible experience and although we know that our lives have been forever changed, we are looking forward to watching her grow and having all of our friends and family be a part of her life.

Trying to wait it out.  Bailey proved to have other plans though!

Getting ready to head into the Operating Room.

Almost here.

Hello world!

Holding Hands
(1st touch from dad actually calmed her down.
We'll see how long that lasts.)

8 pounds 13 ounces.  She's "healthy."

That was exhausting.  I think I'm going to take a nap.

Immediate bond.  Simply amazing.

She's a cute one.